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MUMBAI Winter Season 2012-2013
Race Day : 7

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Going Good

False Rails :

Penetro Meter Reading : 2.1

A Handicap for Horses rated 1 TO 26
1.30 P.M.
PezzonovantePEZZONOVANTE (J.Chinoy) was standing awkwardly in the gate. Trainer Vinay Lagad has been asked to take remedial measures.Approaching 400 metres, PEZZONOVANTE (J.Chinoy) shifted out sharply and went across NANINA (Kavraj Singh) who clipped the hind heels of the former and stumbled badly. Jockey J.Chinoy was reported to the Stewards for Careless Riding.
Glorious CrownWhile straightening for home, TAJ E SHAHI (J.Pradeep) shifted inwards, due to which ASHWA APOLLO (Malcolm Kharadi) shied away and shifted in and carried HOT AS ICE (C.S.Jodha) inwards who was steadied. Jockey J.Pradeep has been cautioned to be more careful.When questioned, Jockey J.Pradeep (TAJ E SHAHI) stated that his Instructions were to settle his mount wherever comfortable and to do his best. Trainer Vinesh stated that he had Instructed the Jockey to ride from the front position in its earlier run over 1400 metres and the filly got tired towards the end. Therefore in today’s race which was over 1200 metres, he had Instructed the Jockey to ride the horse from behind and the Jockey reported that the filly started tiring in the final furlong again. He added that filly was still a maiden and that he has been trying everything to win a race with her. The explanation was noted.
Ashwa ApolloAfter the race, ASHWA APOLLO was found to be sound, but having a gum injury. HOT AS ICE, TAJ E SHAHI and TAPOCOCHA were found to be sound.
TapocochaAt the start, TAPOCOCHA (Dashrath Singh, dr.4) jumped awkwardly inwards and inconvenienced NANINA (Kavraj Singh, dr.3).Jockey Dashrath Singh (TAPOCOCHA) reported loss of his whip near 500 metres.
Blue CasperBLUE CASPER (Shrikant Kamble) hung inwards in the straight. Since the gelding broke a blood vessel, no action has been initiated in the matter.After the race, BLUE CASPER was observed to have broken a blood vessel and is not to race for the stipulated period of 4 weeks. The gelding has to be passed fit by the Club’s VO before next accepting to race.
NaninaJockey Kavraj Singh (NANINA) reported that after the interference from PEZZONOVANTE, his mount was not comfortable in the remaining part of the race. The Sr. VO was requested to examine the mare and he reported that NANINA was found to be sound but having a cut injury at the right hind pastern.

A Handicap for Horses rated 1 TO 26
2.00 P.M.
CavalrymanCAVALRYMAN (Neeraj Rawal) was slowly away, losing about 2 lengths at the start.
Fifth GearJockey S.Zervan (FIFTH GEAR) reported that his mount did not stride freely in the straight. The Sr. VO was requested to examine the gelding and he reported that no abnormality was detected.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46
2.30 P.M.
Fly By MeAt the request of Trainer Nina M. Lalvani, FLY BY ME was examined at 1155 hours on 09/12/2012 and was found to be sore by the right fore leg, as such the filly was certified unfit to race and was withdrawn on Veterinary grounds. The filly has to be passed fit to race by the Club’s VO before next accepting to race.
ShahaabJockey H.G.Rathod (SHAHAAB) reported that his mount hungin in the straight. Trainer Vinesh has been asked to take remedial measures before next accepting to race the gelding.
Majestic QueenBLIND DATE (C.S.Jodha) kept an erratic course in the straight as the filly ran green.
MountbattenMOUNTBATTEN (Shrikant Kamble) did not get a clear run in the straight.After the race, MOUNTBATTEN, SHAHAAB , BINZZ, DASHING INDIAN and BLIND DATE (examined on 10/12/2012) were found to be sound.
Electra(O)ELECTRA (App.Prabhu Naidu) jumped out slow, losing about 4 lengths at the start. Trainer Altaf Hussain has been asked to give the filly more gate practice and show her to the satisfaction of the Starter at morning starting trials before next accepting to race.
CiggaroAfter the race, CIGGARO was found to be sore by the right fore leg. The gelding has to be passed fit by the Club’s VO before next accepting to race.

A Handicap for Horses rated 40 TO 66
3.00 P.M.
Ascot MagicTrainer P.Shroff and Jockey S.Zervan were questioned regarding the poor performance of ASCOT MAGIC. Jockey S.Zervan stated that his Instructions were to ride his own race, if someone takes up the running then to sit back and if the pace is slow then to take up the running. He added that the pace was good and his mount was travelling well but did not show the turn of foot which he was expecting. Trainer P.Shroff stated that the horse had worked well and had a good mock race, however, the horse has not produced the same in the race. The explanation was noted.After the race, ASCOT MAGIC, NICANORA and ETESIAN were found to be sound.
Brave VisionJockey M.A.Roushan (BRAVE VISION) has been fined Rs. 2,000/ for shifting in before the Red Marker.
Oriental DawnSoon after the start, ORIENTAL DAWN (Y.S.Srinath) was tightened and shifted inwards due to which TALK OF THE TOWN (Suraj Narredu) was also tightened as a result of the tightening of the field.

TERMS - 3 years old only
3.30 P.M.
BullseyeAt the start, BULLSEYE (S.Zervan) jumped awkwardly. Approaching 800 metres, BULLSEYE (S.Zervan) shifted in and caused QUE SERA SERA (C.S.Jodha) to shift in, who tightened GATES OF HEAVEN (Neeraj Rawal) who lost position. Jockey S.Zervan has been cautioned.
Grande DameSoon after the start, GRANDE DAME (Suraj Narredu) shifted in and carried SCARLET REGENT (Liam Patrick Jones) inwards, who went across ICE ZONE (S.John) and a few strides later, went in on to QUE SERA SERA (C.S.Jodha). Jockey Suraj Narredu has been fined Rs. 2,000/ for failing to exercise proper control over his mount.
Ice ZoneICE ZONE (S.John) shifted out in the final stages of the race and carried QUE SERA SERA (C.S.Jodha) outwards. Jockey S.John has been cautioned.
PatrioticPATRIOTIC (Zameer Sayyed) ran erratically in the straight.
Scarlet RegentNear 900 metres, SCARLET REGENT (Liam Patrick Jones) and BOURBON STREET (A.Sandesh) brushed each other.
AmazingladyAfter the race, BOURBON STREET was found to be sound, but having a gum injury and QUE SERA SERA had a cut injury at the left hind coronet. GATES OF HEAVEN was found to be sound.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46
4.00 P.M.
LoreleiAn objection was lodged by Jockey Y.S.Srinath, rider of LORELEI (Placed Second) against BLACK PEARL (Dashrath Singh, Placed First). The reason being, BLACK PEARL took him out in the last 200 metres and bumped his mount in the last 50 metres thereby throwing the filly off balance which cost him a certain race.
StarringBLACK PEARL (Dashrath Singh) lugged out in the straight and jostled with LORELEI (Y.S.Srinath). Trainer Imtiaz A.Sait has been asked to take remedial measures before next accepting to race the filly.After the race, the right hind plate on BLACK PEARL was observed to have been splayed. VIVA ZAPATA, BLACK PEARL and HOT PEPPER were found to be sound.
RoswaldAfter being stalled, Jockey Malcolm Kharadi reported that the bridle on his mount ROSWALD had come off and the same was readjusted. It was observed that passing 600 metres, the bit on ROSWALD (Malcolm Kharadi) slipped to the left side. Trainer P.Shroff has been fined Rs.2,000/ for using faulty equipment.
ElaboratorELABORATOR (R.Shelar) was slowly away, losing about 3 lengths at the start.

TERMS - 2 year old maidens only
4.30 P.M.
Ancient WarriorANCIENT WARRIOR (Y.S.Srinath) did not get a clear run at about 300 metres.
PantheraPANTHERA (C.S.Jodha) was fractious and reluctant to be stalled. In view of the above, the Starting Stall Certificate of the filly has been revoked.At the start, PANTHERA C.S.Jodha) jumped out awkwardly.
Head Of StateHEAD OF STATE (Liam Patrick Jones) was placed fifth and AUTUMN LOVE (Amyn Merchant) was placed sixth by the Judge, in this race.
Autumn LoveSoon after the jump AUTUMN LOVE (Amyn Merchant) continued to shift in and carried BOMBARIDER (Neeraj Rawal) inwards, due to which the latter was tightened on to ANCIENT WARRIOR (Y.S.Srinath) and was checked. Jockey Amyn Merchant has been fined Rs. 2,000/ for failing to exercise proper control over his mount.
Dark WilliamNear 200 metres, DARK WILLIAM (A.Sandesh) was hampered for a run when AUTUMN LOVE (Amyn Merchant) shifted ground inwards. Jockey Amyn Merchant has been cautioned.
Overtime MagicAt the start, OVERTIME MAGIC (Dashrath Singh, dr.9) shifted inwards despite Jockey’s effort and went on to SENORA BELLA (S.Zervan, dr.8) who in turn went on to HEAD OF STATE (Liam Patrick Jones, dr.7) who had to be checked by its rider and as the gelding was being steadied, shifted in and jostled with BOMBARDIER (Neeraj Rawal, dr.6). Trainer S.K.Sunderji has been asked to take remedial measures before next accepting to race the filly.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46
5.00 P.M.
Fairy QueenThe Sr.V.O. reported that FAIRY QUEEN stumbled and fell near 800 metres marker. On examination, the filly was observed to have suffered complete fracture of the right hind cannon, hence the filly was euthanized on humane grounds.
Sherlock HolmesNear 800 metres, SHERLOCK HOLMES (App.Sandeep Jadhav) stumbled and fell, dislodging its Rider. Shortly afterwards, while being steadied, the hind legs of FAIRY QUEEN (V.Chandrakant) gave way and fell dislodging its Rider. An enquiry has been initiated into this incidence and a report will be submitted shortly. After the race, SHERLOCK HOLMES was found to be sound, but having an abrasion at the right thigh and also had a gum injury. DREAMLAND and SNOW ANGEL (examined on 10/12/2012) were found to be sound.
Glorious MissThe Sr.V.O. reported that GLORIOUS MISS was examined at the stables in the morning on 10/12/2012 and found to be sore by the right fore leg. The mare has to be passed fit by the Club’s VO before next accepting to race.
ToptrickTOPTRICK (D.A.Naik) hung out in the straight. Trainer Anil Kumar has been asked to take remedial measures before next accepting to race the colt.


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