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Race Day : 2

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oing Good

False Rails : Railings are positioned from 1600 metres upto the Winning Post with an average width of 3 metres from its original position.

Penetro Meter Reading : 2.8

A Handicap for Horses rated 00 TO 25
1:30 P.M.
White LiesWHITE LIES (Vinod Shinde) sustained small injuries inside right fore knee.
AntinoriANTINORI (J Paswan) planted and lost many lengths at the start; In view of its behaviour, Trainer Mr. Vishal Yadav was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in One Mock Race, on a Race Day, on the Race Track.
FelicitaJockey Abhishek Mhatre, the rider of FELICITA reported that his saddle shifted in front, rounding the bend, and as such, he could not offer any assistance to his mount thereafter; After due examination of the equipment, which was found to be in serviceable condition, Trainer Mr. Helleal Moses was fined Rs.3,000/ for faulty saddling. It was reported after the Race that FELICITA (Abhishek Mhatre) burst its blood vessels. Trainer Mr. Helleal Moses was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate, from the Club’s Veterinary Officer, before accepting with it again.
Natural FlyJockey Shyam Kumar (CHE), the rider of NATURAL FLY, was fined Rs.3,000/ for the excessive use of the whip on his mount during the Race [1st infringement].
Warrior WomanWARRIOR WOMAN (Md. Imran Ashraf) sustained small injury on right hind front of coronet.
DhurandarDHURANDAR (Rajesh K) planted and lost many lengths at the start; In view of its behaviour, Trainer Mr. Rakesh was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in One Mock Race, on a Race Day, on the Race Track.
Royal TitleAs Jockey L Alex Rozario, the declared rider of ROYAL TITLE, was certified medically unfit to ride, permission was granted to Trainer Mr. Dinesh Pujar, to substitute Jockey Inayat to ride his charge ROYAL TITLE, in place of the declared rider.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 45
2:00 P.M.
IneffableJockey S Imran, the rider of INEFFABLE was fined Rs.2,000/ for not riding out his mount, in the closing stages of the race.
Sultan SwordSULTAN SWORD (P Kiran Rai) took a fly jump at the start thereby losing few lengths; In view of its behaviour, Trainer Mr. P C Tejaswi was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in One Jump Out on a Starting Gate Practice Day.
AaradhanaJockey Md. Imran Ashraf, the rider of INFINITEPOSIBILITY, was fined Rs.3,000/ for shifting `in` and causing interference to AARADHANA (Abhishek Mhatre), on his inside passing 400 metres and thereafter for not riding out his mount in the closing stages of the race.
Michelle PrideJockey M Rajesh Kumar, the rider of MICHELLE PRIDE, was reprimanded for cutting across the field, before passing the Red Marker Post.
BrocstonIt was observed that BROCSTON (Vinod Shinde) drifted out under pressure, after entering straight, thereby taking out RUN HAPPY RUN (Inayat), on its outside, at the top of the Straight. It was reported after the Race that BROCSTON (Vinod Shinde) pulled up lame on left fore. Trainer, Mr. Rakesh was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club`s Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again.
D FighterD FIGHTER (R Shiva Kumar) planted and lost many lengths at the start; In view of its behaviour, Trainer Mr. Vishal Yadav was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in One Mock Race on a Race Day on the race track.
InfiniteposibilityAs Jockey Mohammed Mushraf, the declared rider of INFINITEPOSIBILITY, was certified medically unfit to ride, permission was granted to Trainer Mr. Vikram Appachu to substitute Jockey Md. Imran Ashraf to ride INFINITEPOSIBILITY, in place of the declared rider. Jockey Md. Imran Ashraf, the rider of INFINITEPOSIBILITY, was fined Rs.3,000/ for shifting `in` and causing interference to AARADHANA (Abhishek Mhatre), on his inside passing 400 metres and thereafter for not riding out his mount in the closing stages of the race.
Nevershow WeaknessIt was reported after the Race that NEVERSHOW WEAKNESS (M J Gautam Raj Urs) burst its blood vessels. Trainer, Mr. Bobby M was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club`s Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again.
Precious GreyJockey Shyam Kumar (CHE), the rider of PRECIOUS GREY was reprimanded for travelling wide rounding the final bend for no apparent reason. PRECIOUS GREY (Shyam Kumar [CHE]) sustained gum injury.
Golden ThroneJockey S Antony Raj, the rider of GOLDEN THRONE, reported that his mount was not galloping fluently in the closing stages of the race. The horse was impounded for veterinary examination, but no abnormality was reported. However, Trainer Mr. Rakesh, was informed to ensure better performance of his charge, in future.
Run Happy RunIt was observed that BROCSTON (Vinod Shinde) drifted out under pressure, after entering straight, thereby taking out RUN HAPPY RUN (Inayat), on its outside, at the top of the Straight.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 45 - (5 YEARS OLD & UPWARD)
2:30 P.M.
Gold CrestJockey Arshad Alam, the rider of GOLD CREST, reported that his saddle shifted in front, rounding the final bend, and as such, he could not offer any assistance to his mount thereafter; After due examination of the equipment, Trainer Mr. Srinivas Babu G was fined Rs.3,000/ for faulty saddling.
Red HillsRED HILLS (Md. Sameer) drifted out alarmingly in the closing stages of the Race and despite the best efforts of the rider to keep it on a straight course, finished the Race on the Outer Sand Track.
Prosperous PrinceJockey Inayat, the rider of PROSPEROUS PRINCE was reprimanded for shifting `in’ and causing inconvenience to NATURAL TORNADO (Shyam Kumar [CHE]) on his inside, at the start. Jockey Inayat, the rider of PROSPEROUS PRINCE was fined Rs.2,000/ for shifting `out’ and causing interference to NATURAL TORANDO (Shyam Kumar [CHE]), on his outside, passing 450 metres of the race.
Natural TornadoJockey Inayat, the rider of PROSPEROUS PRINCE was reprimanded for shifting `in’ and causing inconvenience to NATURAL TORNADO (Shyam Kumar [CHE]) on his inside, at the start. Jockey Shyam Kumar (CHE), the rider of NATURAL TORNADO suffered from kickbacks at various stages of the race and as such could not ride out his mount, rounding he bend and also got hurt approaching 400 metres of the race.
D Golden CupJockey Vinod Shinde, the rider of D GOLDEN CUP reported that his mount was hanging `out’ from 800 metres of the race till entering the straight. The horse was impounded for veterinary examination, but no abnormalty was reported. However, Trainer Mr. Vishal Yadav was informed to take appropriate corrective measures, before accepting with it again.
Country MagicCOUNTRY MAGIC (S Imran) accidentally brushed the railings apporacing 1100 metres of the race.
Eye The MindEYE THE MIND (Akimasa Phanthura) was slowly away and lost many lengths at the start and thereafter it ran detached from the field; In view of its behaviour, Trainer Mr. Pratap Kamath M was informed to ensure better performance of his charge in future and that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in One Mock Race on a Race Day on the race track.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 45
3:00 P.M.
DornishPermission was granted to Trainer Mr. Aditya K to withdraw his charge, DORNISH, from the above Race on veterinary grounds as it was trotting lame on left hind due to muscular sprain; He was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club`s Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again.
Natural WarriorJockey Shyam Kumar (CHE), the rider of MASTERY, was fined Rs.5,000/ for the excessive use of the whip on his mount during the Race [second infringement].
One DiamondONE DIAMOND (Faiz) accidentally stumbled passing 1000 Metres.
Eiffel TowerEIFFEL TOWER (Inayat) was slowly away and lost few lengths at the start; In view of its behaviour, Trainer Mr. Ruban P was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in One Jump Out on a Starting Gate Practice Day.
MilosJockey Madhu Sudhan S, the rider of SHERPA was fined Rs.2,000/ for repeatedly changing course rounding the bend and thereafter for shifting `in’ and causing interference to MILOS (M Rajesh Kumar), on his inside, passing the 400 metres.
SherpaJockey Madhu Sudhan S, the rider of SHERPA was fined Rs.2,000/ for repeatedly changing course rounding the bend and thereafter for shifting `in’ and causing interference to MILOS (M Rajesh Kumar), on his inside, passing the 400 metres.
Noble PursuitNOBLE PURSUIT (R Shiva Kumar) was slowly away and lost few lengths at the start; In view of its behaviour, Trainer Mr. Vishal Yadav was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in One Jump Out on a Starting Gate Practice Day.
LeopardIt was reported after the Race that LEOPARD (P Kiran Rai) pulled up lame on right fore. Trainer, Mr. P C Tejaswi was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club`s Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again.

A Handicap for Horses rated 80-ABOVE
3:30 P.M.
The ProtectorJockey Faiz, the rider of HAVELOCK CRUISE was fined Rs.1,000/ for shifting `in’ and causing interference to THE PROTECTOR (A Prakash), on his inside, at the start. Jockey A Prakash, the rider of THE PROTECTOR, was fined Rs.3,000/ for the excessive use of the whip on his mount during the Race [1st infringement].
O HansiniPermission was granted to Trainer Mr. Rakesh to substitute Jockey Vinod Shinde to ride O HANSINI in place of Jockey L Alex Rozario, the declared rider.
Havelock CruiseJockey Faiz, the rider of HAVELOCK CRUISE was fined Rs.1,000/ for shifting `in’ and causing interference to THE PROTECTOR (A Prakash), on his inside, at the start.

A Handicap for Horses rated 40 TO 65
4:00 P.M.
SheroukPermission was granted to Trainer Mr. Pillay J S to substitute Jockey Vinod Shinde to ride SHEROUK in place of Jockey L Alex Rozario, the declared rider.
Trust BondJockey Akimasa Phanthura, the rider of TRUST BOND was fined a sum of Rs.10,000/ (Rupees Ten Thousand only), for shifting `in’ before the Red Marker post thereby causing interference to INEXHAUSTIBLE (Angad) on his inside, which went onto MOONLIGHT QUEEN (J Paswan), on its inside, and thereafter, for shifting out and causing interference to INEXHAUSTIBLE (Angad), on his outside, passing the 1100 Metres.. It was reported after the Race that TRUST BOND (Akimasa Phanthura), pulled up lame on left fore; Trainer Mr. Pratap Kamath was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club`s Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again.
InexhaustibleJockey Akimasa Phanthura, the rider of TRUST BOND was fined a sum of Rs.10,000/ (Rupees Ten Thousand only), for shifting `in’ before the Red Marker post thereby causing interference to INEXHAUSTIBLE (Angad) on his inside, which went onto MOONLIGHT QUEEN (J Paswan), on its inside, and thereafter, for shifting out and causing interference to INEXHAUSTIBLE (Angad), on his outside, passing the 1100 Metres..
Star Is BackAn enquiry is being held into the excessive use of Whip by Jockey Shyam Kumar (CHE), on his mount HERO OF THE EAST, in the above Race (3rd Infringement).
Moonlight QueenJockey Akimasa Phanthura, the rider of TRUST BOND was fined a sum of Rs.10,000/ (Rupees Ten Thousand only), for shifting `in’ before the Red Marker post thereby causing interference to INEXHAUSTIBLE (Angad) on his inside, which went onto MOONLIGHT QUEEN (J Paswan), on its inside, and thereafter, for shifting out and causing interference to INEXHAUSTIBLE (Angad), on his outside, passing the 1100 Metres..

A Handicap for Horses rated 40 TO 65 - (5 YEARS OLD & UPWARD)
4:30 P.M.

No Incidents


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