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DELHI Winter Season 2024-2025
Race Day : 1

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Going Good

False Rails :

Penetro Meter Reading : 2.2

A Handicap for Horses rated 1 TO 26
02:30 PM
OsibisaAfter accepting mount on OSIBISA App. Jockey Faizan Khan was unable to weigh with an allowance of 1.5 kg instead was going 2.5 kg over as such at the request of Trainer Sarfaraz Khan the mare was withdrawn since no other replacement was available. App. Jockey Faizan (OSIBISA) Khan was fined Rs.3,000/ for failing to fulfill his riding weight commitment with the trainer.
Ashwa BinacaJockey R Parvesh (ASHWA BINACA) was declared unfit to ride by the club medical officer. Since no replacement was available, Trainer S Nawab was permitted to withdraw the filly.
MightyJockey K Sunny Kr. (MIGHTY) was fined Rs.3,000/ for his feeble riding. Veterinary Examination of MIGHTY revealed no apparent abnormality.
Ashwa FalistaJockey M B Qureshi (ASHWA FALISTA) reported saddle slip on his mount. When questioned Trainer S Nawab stated that considering small barrel of the horse he had used breast plate as precautionary measure. Since the saddle had slipped marginally Trainer S Nawab was cautioned for future.

A Handicap for Horses rated 80 AND ABOVE
03:00 PM
Ashwa YashodhraJockey G S Shekhawat (THE CHEETAH) and Jockey Pawan Sharma (ASHWA YASHODHRA) were reprimanded for their feeble riding.
The CheetahJockey G S Shekhawat (THE CHEETAH) and Jockey Pawan Sharma (ASHWA YASHODHRA) were reprimanded for their feeble riding.
HukamoriApp. Jockey Shivam (HUKAMORI) reported that his mount was leaning inside the gate when the start was effected therefore, he jumped out awkwardly and lost about two lengths.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46
03:30 PM
Ashwa ZorawarASHWA ZORAWAR (Faizan Khan) was observed hanging out in the straight. Trainer S Nawab was asked to take remedial measures. Veterinary Examination of RONALDO, ASHWA ZORAWAR & CLETUS revealed no apparent abnormality.
Golden DragonTrainer S M Abbas declared steel shoes in place of aluminum shoes on his charge GOLDEN DRAGON. Since he informed the officials at 10:30 am on 25th Sep 2024, he was fined Rs.2,000/ for his negligence.
CletusVeterinary Examination of RONALDO, ASHWA ZORAWAR & CLETUS revealed no apparent abnormality.
Lemon PieAt the start, LEMON PIE (Ankit Pal) was slowly away.
RonaldoVeterinary Examination of RONALDO, ASHWA ZORAWAR & CLETUS revealed no apparent abnormality.
SenorJockey k Sunny Kr. (SENOR) reported that his mount did not respond to his urgings. Trainer Ajay Sharma was asked to take remedial measures.

A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46
04:00 PM
FrancoFRANCO (Aman) was withdrawn before coming under the starter order as the jockey was declared unfit by the Club medical officer.
Ashwa HaitherVeterinary Examination of BIG BANG & ASHWA HAITHER revealed no apparent abnormality.
Big BangApp. Jockey Shivam (BIG BANG) reported that his mount was inclined to hang inside, in the straight. Trainer R Kumar was asked to take remedial measures. Veterinary Examination of BIG BANG & ASHWA HAITHER revealed no apparent abnormality.
SuccessfulAt the start, SUCCESSFUL (Deepak Kumar) lost about a length.

A Handicap for Horses rated 1 TO 26
04:30 PM
Divya ShakthiAt the start, DIVYA SHAKTHI (S Mosin) and ZILLIE (Jai Parkash) were withdrawn before coming under starter order as the mares refused to be loaded. Trainer S Ali Khan and Trainer Imdad Ali Khan have been asked to give sufficient gate practice before accepting next to race.
ZillieAt the start, DIVYA SHAKTHI (S Mosin) and ZILLIE (Jai Parkash) were withdrawn before coming under starter order as the mares refused to be loaded. Trainer S Ali Khan and Trainer Imdad Ali Khan have been asked to give sufficient gate practice before accepting next to race.
PersonalJockey G S Shekhawat (SUNCHASER) was severely reprimanded for not maintaining a straight course wherein he shifted out passing few strides after jump out and inconvenienced TEXAS GUN (Riazuddin), GIRL POWER (Ankit Pal) & PERSONAL (Akash Rajput).
Girl PowerJockey G S Shekhawat (SUNCHASER) was severely reprimanded for not maintaining a straight course wherein he shifted out passing few strides after jump out and inconvenienced TEXAS GUN (Riazuddin), GIRL POWER (Ankit Pal) & PERSONAL (Akash Rajput).
SunchaserJockey G S Shekhawat (SUNCHASER) was severely reprimanded for not maintaining a straight course wherein he shifted out passing few strides after jump out and inconvenienced TEXAS GUN (Riazuddin), GIRL POWER (Ankit Pal) & PERSONAL (Akash Rajput).
DominantAt the start, DOMINANT (Dhanu S Deora) took an awkward jump. Jockey Dhanu S Deora (DOMINANT) reported that his mount did not respond to his urgings throughout the race. Trainer H Ali Khan was asked to take remedial measures. Veterinary Examination of DOMINANT revealed no apparent abnormality.
Texas GunJockey G S Shekhawat (SUNCHASER) was severely reprimanded for not maintaining a straight course wherein he shifted out passing few strides after jump out and inconvenienced TEXAS GUN (Riazuddin), GIRL POWER (Ankit Pal) & PERSONAL (Akash Rajput).

A Handicap for Horses rated 40 TO 66
05:00 PM
HeerAt the start, ASHWA TEJVEER (G S Shekhawat) & HEER (Amkit Pal) lost about five lengths. Trainer S Nawab & Trainer R Kumar have been asked to give sufficient gate practice before accepting next to race.
Ashwa TejveerAt the start, ASHWA TEJVEER (G S Shekhawat) & HEER (Amkit Pal) lost about five lengths. Trainer S Nawab & Trainer R Kumar have been asked to give sufficient gate practice before accepting next to race.


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