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Racing enthusiasts swap sunburn for court burn!
News: By: Sharan Kumar
May 23 , 2024

The racing enthusiasts were initially glued to the skies, praying for a miracle to break the scorching heat. They worried the lack of rain might put a damper on the Bangalore Summer Season. Now, their gaze has shifted to the High Court, waiting for the green light to resume racing, since the government hasn’t exactly been racing to issue licenses. The Bangalore Turf Club (BTC) has taken the legal route, and the matter has been bumped to June 6 for the government's response.

This endless cycle of "tariq pe tariq" (date after date) has punters biting their nails, desperate for their next adrenaline rush. Win or lose, they just want to feel the thrill again. And let’s be real, the only guaranteed winners in this game are the organizers and the government, who rake in the cash while punters end up lighter in the wallet.

But hope springs eternal for these thrill-seekers, who would rather risk it all than miss out on the action. After all, even the noble Pandavas from the Mahabharata couldn’t resist a good gamble.


The summer season in Bangalore has always been a season of discontent. For the past two decades, it’s as if someone’s been sneaking in a curse to ensure no summer goes by without a professional strike or nature throwing a tantrum. This time, the delay is courtesy of the government's displeasure with the club's antics. Allegations of financial misdeeds, a few families running the show like their personal fiefdom, and a general disregard for any government advice have sparked the latest drama.

Enter Aravind Raghavan, the club’s chairman. He used to be the ringleader of chaos as the head of the Karnataka Race Horse Owners Association. But plot twist! Now he’s on the other side of the fence after being elected to the club and clawing his way up to the chairman’s seat. True to his disruptive nature, the halting of races has come as no shocker.

Adding to the plot, both Raghavan and the club’s secretary, M.K. Kiran, have been charge-sheeted along with the bookmakers by the Central Crime Branch. The CCB discovered a massive GST evasion operation during their raid on the bookmakers and suspected the club was in on the scheme. In a spectacularly ironic twist, Kiran issued a notice to the bookmakers, revoking their licenses pending the court case, even though he and Raghavan are also under the legal microscope.

This wouldn’t be the first time the club had to clean house. Remember the chief stipendiary steward Pradyumna Singh who had to resign after getting charge sheeted in the Queen Latifa case? Will Raghavan and Kiran face the same fate, or will they somehow keep their seats on this merry-go-round of chaos? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of "As the Turf Turns"!

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