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Going Good |
Penetro Meter Reading : 3.9 |
1 |
(30) |
THE TROUVAILLE TROPHY A Handicap for Horses rated 1 TO 26 - (5 YEARS OLD & UPWARD) |
1400M |
1:00 PM |
Anaira |
| At the start, MARIELLA (K. G. Likith Appu, dr.1) threw her head up and leaned outwards thereby forcing ANOUSHKA (Amyn Merchant, dr.2), NORTHBOUND (C. S. Jodha, dr.3), SPIRITUAL ROCK (Vishal N. Bunde, dr.4) and ANAIRA (Yash Narredu, dr.5) outwards thereafter MILLI (App. Haridas Gore, dr.6) leaned inwards and went across ANAIRA causing the latter to be checked. After the race, HIGH SPIRIT was trotted and found to be sound. ANAIRA was trotted and found to be sound but was observed to have an injury on left fore pastern. MOHSIN was observed to have an injury on left hind pastern. |
Milli |
| At the start, MARIELLA (K. G. Likith Appu, dr.1) threw her head up and leaned outwards thereby forcing ANOUSHKA (Amyn Merchant, dr.2), NORTHBOUND (C. S. Jodha, dr.3), SPIRITUAL ROCK (Vishal N. Bunde, dr.4) and ANAIRA (Yash Narredu, dr.5) outwards thereafter MILLI (App. Haridas Gore, dr.6) leaned inwards and went across ANAIRA causing the latter to be checked. |
Mohsin |
| After the race, HIGH SPIRIT was trotted and found to be sound. ANAIRA was trotted and found to be sound but was observed to have an injury on left fore pastern. MOHSIN was observed to have an injury on left hind pastern. |
Northbound |
| At the start, MARIELLA (K. G. Likith Appu, dr.1) threw her head up and leaned outwards thereby forcing ANOUSHKA (Amyn Merchant, dr.2), NORTHBOUND (C. S. Jodha, dr.3), SPIRITUAL ROCK (Vishal N. Bunde, dr.4) and ANAIRA (Yash Narredu, dr.5) outwards thereafter MILLI (App. Haridas Gore, dr.6) leaned inwards and went across ANAIRA causing the latter to be checked. |
Anoushka |
| At the start, MARIELLA (K. G. Likith Appu, dr.1) threw her head up and leaned outwards thereby forcing ANOUSHKA (Amyn Merchant, dr.2), NORTHBOUND (C. S. Jodha, dr.3), SPIRITUAL ROCK (Vishal N. Bunde, dr.4) and ANAIRA (Yash Narredu, dr.5) outwards thereafter MILLI (App. Haridas Gore, dr.6) leaned inwards and went across ANAIRA causing the latter to be checked. |
High Spirit |
| After the race, HIGH SPIRIT was trotted and found to be sound. ANAIRA was trotted and found to be sound but was observed to have an injury on left fore pastern. MOHSIN was observed to have an injury on left hind pastern. |
Mariella |
| At the start, MARIELLA (K. G. Likith Appu, dr.1) threw her head up and leaned outwards thereby forcing ANOUSHKA (Amyn Merchant, dr.2), NORTHBOUND (C. S. Jodha, dr.3), SPIRITUAL ROCK (Vishal N. Bunde, dr.4) and ANAIRA (Yash Narredu, dr.5) outwards thereafter MILLI (App. Haridas Gore, dr.6) leaned inwards and went across ANAIRA causing the latter to be checked. |
Spiritual Rock |
| At the start, MARIELLA (K. G. Likith Appu, dr.1) threw her head up and leaned outwards thereby forcing ANOUSHKA (Amyn Merchant, dr.2), NORTHBOUND (C. S. Jodha, dr.3), SPIRITUAL ROCK (Vishal N. Bunde, dr.4) and ANAIRA (Yash Narredu, dr.5) outwards thereafter MILLI (App. Haridas Gore, dr.6) leaned inwards and went across ANAIRA causing the latter to be checked. After the race, SPIRITUAL ROCK was observed to have broken a blood vessel and is not permitted to race for the stipulated ban period of four weeks. The gelding has to be passed fit by the Club’s V.O., before next accepting to race. |
2 |
(31) |
THE K. M. MUNSHI TROPHY A Handicap for Horses rated 60 TO 86 |
1200M |
1:30 PM |
Ataash |
| At the start, ATAASH (P. Trevor, dr.1) jumped outwards and made contact with PORTOFINO BAY (Akshay Kumar, dr.2). After the race, ATAASH & PORTOFINO BAY were trotted and found to be sound. |
Fast Pace |
| At the behest of the Stipendiary Stewards, a Stewards enquiry was initiated into this race, the reason being “FAST PACE” raced sporting a red hood, an equipment that should have been removed at the gates. |
Fighton |
| After the race, FIGHTON was observed to have broken a blood vessel and is not permitted to race for the stipulated ban period of four weeks. The gelding has to be passed fit by the Club’s V.O., before next accepting to race. |
Portofino Bay |
| At the start, ATAASH (P. Trevor, dr.1) jumped outwards and made contact with PORTOFINO BAY (Akshay Kumar, dr.2). After the race, ATAASH & PORTOFINO BAY were trotted and found to be sound. |
3 |
(32) |
THE AHEAD OF MY TIME TROPHY TERMS - 2 year old maidens only |
1000M |
2:00 PM |
Big Bay |
| BIG BAY (Yash Narredu, dr.9) was reluctant to be stalled. Trainer M. Narredu has been asked to give his charge more gate practice and show the gelding to the satisfaction of the Starter at morning starting trials, before next accepting to race. |
Delstar |
| At the start, RAFAEL (Shrikant Kamble, dr.3) jumped outwards due to which DELSTAR (C. S. Jodha, dr.4) shied outwards and made contact with DILIGENCE (Akshay Kumar, dr.5) who had to be steadied. |
Imperial Quest |
| After the race, IMPERIAL QUEST was trotted and found to be sound. |
Rafael |
| At the start, RAFAEL (Shrikant Kamble, dr.3) jumped outwards due to which DELSTAR (C. S. Jodha, dr.4) shied outwards and made contact with DILIGENCE (Akshay Kumar, dr.5) who had to be steadied. |
Diligence |
| At the start, RAFAEL (Shrikant Kamble, dr.3) jumped outwards due to which DELSTAR (C. S. Jodha, dr.4) shied outwards and made contact with DILIGENCE (Akshay Kumar, dr.5) who had to be steadied. After the race, DILIGENCE was trotted and found to be sound but was observed to have a wolf tooth on left side. Trainer Dallas Todywalla has been asked to take remedial measures. |
Pristine Glory |
| PRISTINE GLORY (Bhawani Singh, dr.10) was reluctant to be stalled. Trainer Karthik Ganapathy has been asked to give his charge more gate practice and show the filly to the satisfaction of the Starter at morning starting trials, before next accepting to race. |
4 |
(33) |
THE MAHARASHTRA, GUJARAT & GOA-AREA TROPHY A Handicap for Horses rated 40 TO 66 |
2000M |
2:30 PM |
Giant King |
| At the request of Jockey S. A. Amit, GIANT KING was examined by the Club’s Sr. V.O. at the starting gate, who certified him fit to race. After the race, GIANT KING & MULTIVERSE were trotted and found to be sound. |
Booster Shot |
| At the start, ALEXANDROS (P. Trevor, dr.1) was observed to have stumbled and thereafter leaned outwards onto BOOSTER SHOT (Akshay Kumar, dr.2) forcing it out thereafter DOCTOR DOLLY (A. Sandesh, dr.4) shifted in thereby bumping and inconveniencing BOOSTER SHOT who had to be steadied. |
Multiverse |
| MULTIVERSE (Shrikant Kamble) was examined by the Club’s Sr. V.O. at the starting gate, who certified him fit to race. After the race, GIANT KING & MULTIVERSE were trotted and found to be sound. |
Eaton Square |
| EATON SQUARE (Yash Narredu, dr.3) lost about five lengths at the start. Trainer M. Narredu has been asked to give his charge more gate practice and show the gelding to the satisfaction of the Starter at morning starting trials, before next accepting to race. |
Doctor Dolly |
| At the start, ALEXANDROS (P. Trevor, dr.1) was observed to have stumbled and thereafter leaned outwards onto BOOSTER SHOT (Akshay Kumar, dr.2) forcing it out thereafter DOCTOR DOLLY (A. Sandesh, dr.4) shifted in thereby bumping and inconveniencing BOOSTER SHOT who had to be steadied. |
Alexandros |
| At the start, ALEXANDROS (P. Trevor, dr.1) was observed to have stumbled and thereafter leaned outwards onto BOOSTER SHOT (Akshay Kumar, dr.2) forcing it out thereafter DOCTOR DOLLY (A. Sandesh, dr.4) shifted in thereby bumping and inconveniencing BOOSTER SHOT who had to be steadied. |
Kimiko |
| KIMIKO (C. S. Jodha, dr.8) lost about four lengths at the start. Trainer Karthik Ganapathy has been asked to give his charge more gate practice and show the mare to the satisfaction of the Starter at morning starting trials, before next accepting to race. |
5 |
(34) |
THE GULAMHUSEIN ESSAJI TROPHY A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46 |
1600M |
3:00 PM |
Dancing Star |
| Approaching the 400 metres, DANCING STAR (K. G. Likith Appu) was observed to have weakened and leaned outwards due to which ATATURK (Vivek G.) racing on its haunches clipped the former and stumbled. After the race on questioning both Jockeys, Jockey Vivek G. stated that whilst he was improving position, DANCING STAR weakened and dropped back due to which his mount overreached and clipped the former. Jockey K. G. Likhit Appu and Jockey Vivek G. have been severely cautioned. Both the horses were subjected to veterinary examination, subsequently, the Club’s Sr. V.O. reported that DANCING STAR was observed to have a cut injury on left hind tendon and ATATURK was observed to have an injury on right fore bulb of heel. |
Balthazar |
| After the race, BALTHAZAR was trotted and found to be sound. |
Nostalgia |
| After the race, NOSTALGIA was observed to have broken a blood vessel and is not permitted to race for the stipulated ban period of four weeks. The gelding has to be passed fit by the Club’s V.O., before next accepting to race. |
Goldiva |
| GOLDIVA (App. Haridas Gare, dr.4) lost about a length at the start. |
Ataturk |
| Approaching the 400 metres, DANCING STAR (K. G. Likith Appu) was observed to have weakened and leaned outwards due to which ATATURK (Vivek G.) racing on its haunches clipped the former and stumbled. After the race on questioning both Jockeys, Jockey Vivek G. stated that whilst he was improving position, DANCING STAR weakened and dropped back due to which his mount overreached and clipped the former. Jockey K. G. Likhit Appu and Jockey Vivek G. have been severely cautioned. Both the horses were subjected to veterinary examination, subsequently, the Club’s Sr. V.O. reported that DANCING STAR was observed to have a cut injury on left hind tendon and ATATURK was observed to have an injury on right fore bulb of heel. |
6 |
(35) |
THE FAIZ JASDANWALLA TROPHY A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46 - (3 year old maidens only) |
1400M |
3:30 PM |
Pataudi |
| At the request of Jockey Nirmal Jodha, PATAUDI was examined by the Club’s Sr. V.O. at the starting gate, who certified him fit to race. After the race, PATAUDI, RED MIST & CHARDIKALA were trotted and found to be sound. FLASHMAN was observed to have an injury on left hind cannon. |
Red Mist |
| While going to the starting gate, RED MIST (A. Sandesh) stumbled and dropped the rider. As such, the filly was examined by the Club’s Sr. V.O., who certified her fit to race. After the race, PATAUDI, RED MIST & CHARDIKALA were trotted and found to be sound. FLASHMAN was observed to have an injury on left hind cannon. |
Star Impact |
| Approaching the 1200 metres, CREATIVE GIRL (App. N. Bhosale) was observed to have been racing erratic, bumped CONTINENTAL DRIFT (Santosh G.) and leaned inwards onto STAR IMPACT (Yash Narredu), thereafter due to a tightly packed field CREATIVE GIRL jostled and bumped STAR IMPACT who got unbalanced and in the process CREATIVE GIRL had to check and drop back. |
Chardikala |
| After the race, PATAUDI, RED MIST & CHARDIKALA were trotted and found to be sound. FLASHMAN was observed to have an injury on left hind cannon. |
Continental Drift |
| Approaching the 1200 metres, CREATIVE GIRL (App. N. Bhosale) was observed to have been racing erratic, bumped CONTINENTAL DRIFT (Santosh G.) and leaned inwards onto STAR IMPACT (Yash Narredu), thereafter due to a tightly packed field CREATIVE GIRL jostled and bumped STAR IMPACT who got unbalanced and in the process CREATIVE GIRL had to check and drop back. |
Creative Girl |
| Approaching the 1200 metres, CREATIVE GIRL (App. N. Bhosale) was observed to have been racing erratic, bumped CONTINENTAL DRIFT (Santosh G.) and leaned inwards onto STAR IMPACT (Yash Narredu), thereafter due to a tightly packed field CREATIVE GIRL jostled and bumped STAR IMPACT who got unbalanced and in the process CREATIVE GIRL had to check and drop back. |
Flashman |
| After the race, PATAUDI, RED MIST & CHARDIKALA were trotted and found to be sound. FLASHMAN was observed to have an injury on left hind cannon. |
Equilateral |
| EQUILATERAL (App. Bharat Singh) was examined by the Club’s Sr. V.O. at the starting gate and was found to be sore by right fore. As such, the filly was certified unfit to race and was withdrawn on veterinary grounds before coming under the Starter’s order and has to be passed fit by Club’s V.O., before next accepting to race. |
7 |
(36) |
THE HPSL INDIAN 2000 GUINEAS (GR.1) TERMS - 3 years old only |
1600M |
4:00 PM |
8 |
(37) |
THE LAGARDE TROPHY A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46 - (4 YEARS OLD & UPWARD) |
1200M |
4:30 PM |
Toscana |
| Jockey Akshay Kumar (TOSCANA) was observed to have used the whip in excess of the prescribed limit on his mount. This being his second offence during the current Mumbai Meeting 2024/25, he has been fined Rs.5,000/. Joc. Akshay Kumar (TOSCANA) – fined Rs.5,000/ |
Mila |
| The Sr. V.O. reported that MILA was declared to run without bandages on both fore but ran with bandages. As such, Trainer Nazzak B. Chenoy has been fined Rs.1,000/. The urine samples of the winner of the 3rd, 4th, 5th & 8th race, viz. ELUSIVE ART, ODYSSEUS, SUBSTANTIAL & MILA and the special samples of RED MIST (6th race), were collected for detection of prohibited substances. Tr. Nazzak B. Chenoy (MILA) – fined Rs.1,000/ |
Zaza |
| Passing the 900 metres, ZAZA (Prashant P. Dhebe) was observed to have lost its footing and was pulled up, subsequently, the Club’s Sr. V.O. reported that the left shoulder of the gelding has been broken. As such, with the due consent of Trainer S. S. Shah the gelding was euthanized on humanitarian grounds. |
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