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Going Good |
Penetro Meter Reading : 2.8 |
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(1) |
THE UJJAIN PLATE A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46 |
1600M |
01:30 PM |
Player |
| At the start, PLAYER (Pawan Sharma) lost about a length. Trainer I S Parmar and Jockey Pawan Sharma both were fined Rs.5,000/ each for unsatisfactory running and riding of PLAYER. Veterinary examination of PLAYER revealed no apparent abnormality. |
Jet Space |
| After the race, JET SPACE was observed to have bled through nostril and not to race for stipulated period of four weeks (1st time). |
2 |
(2) |
THE MAHAKAAL PLATE (DIV-I) A Handicap for Horses rated 40 TO 66 |
1000M |
02:00 PM |
Lovely Thoughts |
| Jockey Vivek G (MASTER STEPPER) was fined Rs.3,000/ for shifting IN before the red maker and causing interference to LOVELY THOUGHTS (Faizan Khan) and WARRIOR THRIVE (Jai Parkash). |
Master Stepper |
| Jockey Vivek G (MASTER STEPPER) was fined Rs.3,000/ for shifting IN before the red maker and causing interference to LOVELY THOUGHTS (Faizan Khan) and WARRIOR THRIVE (Jai Parkash). |
Warrior Thrive |
| Jockey Vivek G (MASTER STEPPER) was fined Rs.3,000/ for shifting IN before the red maker and causing interference to LOVELY THOUGHTS (Faizan Khan) and WARRIOR THRIVE (Jai Parkash). |
Manali |
| After the race, MANALI was observed to have bled through nostril and not to race for stipulated period of four weeks (1st time). |
3 |
(3) |
THE MAHAKAAL PLATE (DIV-II) A Handicap for Horses rated 40 TO 66 |
1000M |
02:30 PM |
4 |
(4) |
THE ADITYA PLATE (DIV-I) A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46 |
1200M |
03:00 PM |
Fargo |
| Jockey Jai Parkash (FARGO) was fined Rs.5,000/ for not improving his position in the early part of the race and not persevering with his mount in the straight. |
Ustaad Ji |
| Jockey Naresh Kr. (USTAAD JI) reported that his mount was inclined to hang out in the straight. Trainer Shakti Singh has been asked to show his charge in a mock race to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Steward before accepting again in the race. |
Juggaad |
| After the race, JUGGAAD was observed to have bled through nostril and not to race for stipulated period of four weeks (1st time). |
5 |
(5) |
THE ADITYA PLATE (DIV-II) A Handicap for Horses rated 20 TO 46 |
1200M |
03:30 PM |
Ashwa Haither |
| Trainer A khan and Jockey Dilip Singh were fined Rs 5000/ each for Unsatisfactory running and riding of ASHWA HAITHER. |
Orchids |
| Jockey Muzammil Hashmi (ORCHIDS) was cautioned for not being vigorous in his riding in the straight. |
Missey Boy |
| At the start, MISSEY BOY (Pawan Sharma) lost about a length. |
Intense Approach |
| At the start, INTENSE APPROACH (K Narender Kr.) was observed to be lame by its left fore leg hence was withdrawn before coming under the starter order on Veterinary grounds. |
Big Bang |
| The Veterinary Officer of the Club reported that BIG BANG (B R Kumar) was examined on 28THNovember 2023 at 02:40 pm and was found to be lame and a cut injury on its left hind leg, as such was withdrawn on veterinary grounds. Trainer Syed H Abbas has been asked to obtain a certificate of fitness before presenting his charge for any future trial or race. |
6 |
(6) |
THE KONARK PLATE (DIV-I) A Handicap for Horses rated 4 TO 30 |
1000M |
04:00 PM |
Foveal Vision |
| Veterinary examination of FOVEAL VISION revealed no apparent abnormality |
Nizbati Warrior |
| On being questioned, Jockey Rajinder Saini (NIZBATI WARRIOR) stated that he was looking back during the race to avoid any accident and safe guard himself and the horses travelling behind as he felt that the horse was uncomfortable and he also observed that the horse had bled. After the race, NIZBATI WARRIOR was observed to have bled through nostril and not to race for stipulated period of four weeks (1st time). |
Kings Crezy |
| The Veterinary Officer of the Club reported that KINGS CREZY was examined on 28THNovember 2023 at 09:00 am and was found to be in pain on its right hind, as such was withdrawn on veterinary grounds. Trainer Irfan Ali has been asked to obtain a certificate of fitness before presenting his charge for any future trial or race. |
7 |
(7) |
THE KONARK PLATE (DIV-II) A Handicap for Horses rated 4 TO 30 |
1000M |
04:30 PM |
Bigg Tymer |
| Sampling of BIGG TYMER (7th race) was abandoned as the filly did not pass urine within the stipulated time period. |
Ashwa Frankie |
| Veterinary examination of ASHWA FRANKIE revealed no apparent abnormality. |
Ashwa Pushkin |
| At the start, ASHWA PUSHKIN (Arjun) lost about five lengths. Trainer A Khan has been asked to give sufficient gate practice before accepting next to race. |
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