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BTC Committee Must Resign to Resolve Crisis

  June 27 , 2024

The current situation is unacceptable. The managing committee, led by Aravind Raghavan, has utterly failed to provide the leadership necessary to resolve ongoing issues with the government, obstructing the resumption of racing.

It is clear that the first step towards a solution is the resignation of the entire managing committee. Both informed sources and government representatives, although not officially communicated, have indicated that their resignation is crucial. Despite this, the committee remains oblivious to the urgent need for change.

In a recent letter, the managing committee mentioned their meetings with the finance secretary and police commissioner to discuss postponing the Supreme Court hearing on BTC`s eviction orders and retracting criminal charges against three of the club`s functionaries. It is naive to think these government officials aimed to support the current committee. Their true intent was to prompt voluntary resignations, enabling an ad hoc committee to take over and negotiate a resolution.

During an informal meeting, BTC members and the managing committee agreed to pursue a settlement with the government, yet failed to address the critical need for the committee`s resignation. A member of the club, who is also a cabinet minister, recently engaged with various stakeholders, including committee members, who agreed to resign but have yet to follow through.

There was a glimmer of hope after these meetings, with the government willing to grant a license under certain conditions. However, the chairman`s obstinate defense of his position and refusal to step down have dashed these hopes. The other members` lack of courage to confront the chairman is shocking, given the dire circumstances the club faces due to Raghavan`s disruptive leadership.

Without decisive action to remove this committee, the summer season and the club`s very survival are in jeopardy. The club is already under severe financial strain. Continued inaction will lead to further financial losses and legal battles, ultimately drowning the club.

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Total Comments : 5
Posted by Murali Srinivasan on ( June 27 , 2024 )
It`s a matter of shame as the present commitee is a bunch of jokers and are totally nomadic in learning to know the right direction to settle things. Murali
Posted by Pisces on ( June 27 , 2024 )
Sharan Sir, as usual you hit the nail on the head. Well said.
Posted by MSH on ( June 28 , 2024 )
When BTC Ltd fail to convince the govt and get the licence, then what business the BTC and its members are doing in the race course premises?
Posted by K. Vijayakumar. on ( June 26 , 2024 )
Dear Sharankumarji,
Your thoughtful ,purposeful and meaningful writeups have all ended in vain like a wild goose chase as this matter has gone out of hands long back and now under the pursuance of judiciary which will take its own rime for final judgement. There is no other go except to wait for some more time to hear the hooves of thunder.
Posted by SINNDAAR on ( June 29 , 2024 )
The adamant attitude of the BTC in settling the matters through legal battles , will sink the entire club forever. Farsightedness , high maturity and wise wisdom could have solved all the problems through negotiations but alas the club is severely short of these qualities . Horse racing is not a necessity/ need of the general public , where the court can favour the club. Its the ultimate prerogative of the state Govt to continue or ban it . Frequent confrontations by the club with the state govt will lead to nowhere , but permanent ban on horse racing and that will be the last achievement of the BTC.

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